Flexible Scheduling
Does it seem like you have an ever-changing schedule? Our goal is to meet your needs. You may sign up for the whole summer, a week, or just a day. Sign-up continues each week throughout the summer. If your kids are loving camp, you can sign up for more days mid-summer. Sign up by Tuesday for the following week to avoid convenience fees. Early Care and After Care are available for a fee if you need them.
Beginner Camp
Ages 4–6
Daily Rate: $65
Weekly Rate: $275
Base Camp
Entering Grades 2–7 in the fall
Daily Rate: $60
Weekly Rate: $250
Multiple-Child Discounts available on Weekly & Daily Rates
Registration Fees
- $35 Registration Fee for one camper
- $60 Family Limit
- Non-Refundable

Extended Care Pricing
Early Care, 7:00 am - 8:30 am
Daily: $10
Weekly: $40
After Care, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Daily: $12
Weekly: $48
Payment Agreement
Registrations and payments are due the Tuesday prior to the start of each camp week. Any registration received after that Tuesday will have an additional $10 per day or $25 per week convenience fee added to the rate. We must receive payment before your child can attend camp. Please see the full payment policy in the registration portal below.